Saturday, 18 November 2017

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I commercianti non hanno bisogno di vincere nelle migliori dollari binari facile cattivo credito basso di credito basso di credito in noi così grande mercato di opzioni binarie facendo uso di denaro truffa commerciante auto carta forex trading in urdu da Shahid Memon ospedale lo spazio di memorizzazione dei dati e la lavanderia. 10, 15, 2015 vari. yrading lasciato l'ufficio brevetti marchi in bit del segno spostato in India su wikipedia in movimento. E il rapporto è un segnale lisciatura definita dal costruita nel forex forum. L'opzione di chiusura non è disponibile durante il forex trading in urdu da Shahid Memon periodo ospedale del commercio, ma proprio in un periodo di preordinato che i set di mediatore. opzione binaria con. 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Questi grafici tengono conto di tutti i fattori essenziali che influenzano il mercato. 3333 109. L'ironia è che quando il mercato mostra ciò che è ampiamente considerato un comportamento caotico, il mercato diventa più prevedibile. Margini esclusi Financials salgono a 8. Figura 9. Supponiamo che i nostri conigli non muoiono mai e che la femmina produce sempre una nuova coppia (un maschio, una femmina) ogni mese, a partire dal secondo mese. Che migliorerà l'affidabilità di questa strategia di ingresso. Quando si comincia a parlare di come molte ore qualcosa vorrà o nel mio commento quando ho detto una storia ha preso il doppio del tempo, non è chiaro se si intende il momento ideale o il tempo trascorso (per la cronaca che intendevo tempo trascorso). Informazioni. Forex-monitor Il ofpounding alimentazione con il Forex Trading. NZDUSD. Dengan menggunakan FITUR ini anda akan terhindar dari perdita di profitto jika anda Telah melebihi batas minima trailing stop. 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Per i premi sotto l'ESP che sono stati concessi nel 1997, il TSR di BT è stata misurata alla data di 20 giorni a seguito della scissione e la premiazione di azioni matureranno sulla base della posizione TSR, il 17 dicembre 2001. Trading software febbraio magazzino. Altro. Binary con successo, trading di opzioni binarie ottenere una settimana in un. Io non andare a caccia o in modo casuale cercando di scambiare ogni Fib o un cluster Fib sul grafico. Questo è di vitale importanza, se si va e fare una tazza di tè tra traffici con il mio 60 Secondo metodo, allora si può perdere il punto di ingresso necessario per vincere, e le probabilità scenderà 100-50 quindi bisogna essere veloci Non cambiare la direzione si sta operando su a metà strada tra i passaggi 2 e 5. Times in proprio della gestione ordinaria lasso di tempo. Dopo aver pagato per l'abbonamento al negozio. Pare opzione binaria in anticipo. città Axis ut strumentazione. Economia in crescita ad un ritmo molto più lento di 1. Pivot Point Trading Si sta andando ad amare questa lezione. Scarica il rapporto completo luglio 2009 l'indice di magazzino Chicago affari barometro era il più basso forex trading in urdu di Shahid Memon ospedale a metà del 1949. Dopo tutto, si sta andando a voler fare in modo che il vostro denaro è ben investito ed è necessario il broker giusto per essere sicuri di questo. Dovrei aggressivo spostare lo stop loss al pareggio prima che rende tecnicamente senso di farlo, o il commercio di una valuta unica giornaliera. commerci sistema per MT4 backtesting di questo lavoro. Della rmendations come chiamare. Fare altre mediatori hanno anche i segnali Servizi. sul suo sito web voto. Nella misura in cui non fossero già stati esercitati, recensioni dei clienti. Con Forex. Studi della combinazione dei segnali di trading prodotte. Avere la disciplina di tutte le cose, essere carfull, si può perdere in un giorno quello che hai vinto in un mese in modo da tenere gli occhi aperti sui vostri commerci e io non rond commercio uno minuti il ​​suo modo Riscky. Essendo diffondere strategie di binario opzione di trading in tutto il mondo e gratificante finanziaria dove ha escogitato. D'altra parte, il prezzo può scendere attraverso entrambe le EMAs e chiudere al di sotto. L'acquisto di sblocchi vs. account per le opzioni binarie. castledance Quali divertenti risposta ClubSmith Sei in grado di mantenere il normale erezione sufficiente per una notte di sesso Ill dirvi il segreto Problemi Energie con erezione è qualcosa che gli uomini di solito si vergognano ad ammettere. Ma hanno bisogno di aiuto Pav Credo che si stanno facendo un errore. Consente di discutere di esso. BenjaminKolesnicheg andato al forum e ho visto questo argomento. 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Se sei un trader Forex, si può praticamente lavorare in qualsiasi momento delle coppie di valute giorno o della notte di trading in tutto il mondo. Essenzialmente il Forex presenta trading. Per saperne di più Forex pratica Conti per i nuovi operatori Se siete nuovi alla negoziazione Forex e tutti erano ad un certo punto, è probabile che si avvicinerà il vostro primo commercio con una misura di trepidazione e paura. Questo è da aspettarselo, e tutti coloro che scambia sui mercati finanziari esperienze che stessa emozione. Forse il modo migliore per acquisire esperienza e attualmente trading è quello di aprire un conto in pratica, o come alcuni sono noti un account demo. Quasi tutti i broker forex. 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Al fine di continuare a correre questa crisi finché non si verifica il passaggio a una tendenza verso l'alto vi sarà richiesto di effettuare un ulteriore deposito sul tuo conto di margine. Come abbiamo detto in precedenza, ci sono sia grandi rischi e grandi ricompense nel forex trading online. professionisti stanno vedendo i benefici nel commercio e stanno lasciando professioni tradizionali per diventare commercianti. Hanno bisogno di capire che è fondamentale sapere che cosa stanno facendo per garantire il successo. ordini di stop loss non sono l'unico modo per proteggere il vostro investimento in questo mercato. La conoscenza è vitale E 'importante saper leggere le tendenze del mercato e le caratteristiche, e capire come sia i profitti e le perdite sono fatti. è il più malleabile e duttile di tutti i metalli un solo grammo può essere battuto in un foglio di 1 metro quadrato, o un'oncia in 300 piedi quadrati. foglia d'oro può essere battuto abbastanza sottile da diventare trasparente. La luce trasmessa appare blu verdastro, perché l'oro riflette fortemente giallo e red.2 Tali lastre semitrasparenti anche riflettono fortemente la luce infrarossa, che li rende utili come infrarossi (calore radiante) scudi a visiere di tute resistenti al calore, e in parasole per tute spaziali. Mentre la maggior parte degli altri metalli puri sono di colore grigio o bianco argenteo, oro è giallo a causa della morbidezza di oro puro (24K), di solito è in lega con i metalli di base per l'uso in gioielleria, alterando la sua durezza e duttilità, punto di fusione, il colore e altre proprietà . Le leghe con caratura inferiore, tipicamente 22k, 18k, 14k o 10k, contengono percentuali più elevate di rame o altri metalli comuni o argento o palladio in lega. Il rame è il metallo di base più comunemente usato, ottenendo un colore più rosso. Diciotto carati contenente 25 di rame si trova in gioielli antichi e russo e ha una distinta, anche se non dominante, fusione di rame, creando oro rosa. Quattordici carati lega d'oro-rame è quasi identico a colori per certe leghe di bronzo, ed entrambi possono essere utilizzati per produrre polizia, così come altri, distintivi. oro blu può essere fatta da lega di ferro e oro viola può essere fatta da lega in alluminio, anche se raramente fatto salvo in gioielleria specializzata. l'oro blu è più fragile e quindi più difficile da lavorare, quando la produzione di gioielli. I quattordici ei diciotto leghe d'oro con argento da solo apparire giallo-verdastro e sono indicati come oro verde. leghe di oro bianco possono essere realizzati con palladio o nickel. White 18-carat gold containing 17.3 nickel, 5.5 zinc and 2.2 copper is silvery in appearance. Nickel is toxic, however, and its release from nickel white gold is controlled by legislation in Europe. Alternative white gold alloys are available based on palladium, silver and other white metals,12 but the palladium alloys are more expensive than those using nickel. High-carat white gold alloys are far more resistant to corrosion than are either pure silver or sterling silver. The Japanese craft of Mokume-gane exploits the color contrasts between laminated colored gold alloys to produce decorative wood-grain effects. Bullion rates in Rupees per 10 grams on August 10, 2010 KARACHI Gold Tezabi (24-ct) Rs 32,764 Silver Tezabi Rs 480.00 MULTAN Gold Tezabi (24-ct) Rs 32,320 Gold Tezabi (22-ct) Rs 29,550 Silver Tezabi Rs 488.00 Silver Thobi Rs 486.00 Prize Bonds List prize bond list is available form national saving bank of pakistan. prize bond is very nice invesment and through that people make a rich and his dream come true. prize bond amount start is 40000 and end end amount is 200 only. so rich people buy prize bond and poor people also buy prize bond. prize bond is change from any bank of Pakistan and his no deducation charges. prize bond list also available national saving website. Prize Bonds is golden chance and minimum investment through 160poor people make become rich . Rs.200, Rs.750, Rs.1,500, Rs.7,500, Rs.15,000 and Rs.40,000. These bonds are issued in series. Each series consist of one less than 1,000,000 bonds. No fixed return is paid but prize draws are held on quarterly basis. The draws are held under common draw method and the number of prizes are same for each series. It means that if 50 series of Rs.200 Prize Bond are in circulation. Then on each draw we have 50 winners of 1st prize and 150 winners of 2nd Prize and so on. Prize Bond8217s Scheme is the only lawful source for poor and middle class people investment opportunities to become rich overnight and making their dreams come true Prize bond offers investment options and it is far better then forex investment but this scheme has been ignored awfully, Recently, profit rates on five saving schemes namely Defense Saving Schemes 8211 DSS, Regular Income Certificates 8211 RIC, Behbood Saving Certificates 8211 BSC, Savings Accounts 8211 SA and Special Saving Certificates 8211 SSC have been increased by 8 to 50 basis points but Prize Bond Scheme was not given consideration at all. Tragically, the increase of profit rates on these mentioned schemes will not lessen dues burden of Rs. 150 billion or more on account of Defense Saving Certificates maturing in the near future. Prize Bonds8217 Scheme is the only rescuer in this regard, provided and they are like baby formula. The following suggestions are duly implemented. Here is some detail of prizes for you The new increased and revised prizes on each prize bond are described below: For Rs. 40,000 1st Prize Rs. 75,000,000 (1 Prize) 2st Prize Rs. 25,000,000 (3 Prizes) 3rd Prize Rs. 500,000 (1696 Prizes) For Rs. 15,000 1st Prize Rs. 30,000,000 (1 Prize) 2st Prize Rs. 10,000,000 (3 Prizes) 3rd Prize Rs. 185,000 (1696 Prizes) For Rs. 7,500 1st Prize Rs. 15,000,000 (1 Prize) 2st Prize Rs. 5,000,000 (3 Prizes) 3rd Prize Rs. 93,000 (1696 Prizes) For Rs. 1,500 1st Prize Rs. 3,000,000 (1 Prize) 2st Prize Rs. 1,000,000 (3 Prizes) 3rd Prize Rs. 18,500 (1696 Prizes) For Rs. 750 1st Prize Rs. 1,500,000 (1 Prize) 2st Prize Rs. 500,000 (3 Prizes) 3rd Prize Rs. 9,300 (1696 Prizes) For Rs. 200 1st Prize Rs. 750,000 (1 Prize) 2st Prize Rs. 250,000 (5 Prizes) 3rd Prize Rs. 1,250 (2394 Prizes State Bank of Pakistan has announced Rs 120 billion to commercial ban Financial markets in developing countries like Pakistan and India are not as mature as in Western developed countries. Currencies of countries rather than reputation in Western countries as the liquidity and therefore not considered attractive for the Forex market profits. For example, the U. S. dollar is involved in almost 80 of all foreign exchange transactions that occur worldwide every day. In addition to the German mark, British pound, Swiss franc, Japanese yen, among other things involved in a significant volume of transactions. A common feature in these currencies, the economies belonging to the time a well-developed and relatively stable. In developing countries internal problems such as inflation, political instability, the decline in exports may reduce the value of its currency in relation to other people. In 2008, Pakistans foreign exchange reserves fell dramatically affecting the exchange value of the Pakistani rupee and the request for a loan from the International Monetary Fund has been approved. Pakistani rupee appreciated in 2009, but not at previous levels. This type of international lending and foreign investment in Mexico, affecting a number of transaction and there are opportunities for profit. Fluctuations in exchange rates will always be there, in any currency other than the general rate or depreciation. One of the main reasons for the low liquidity of the coin is that the country can produce products that are wanted in other countries, especially those that produce and offer products to Pakistan. State in any country, like developing Pakistan. We must always remember that hard work to analyze trends and gather information from sources is the key to success in any investment or trade. 1. The Nishat Group Mian Muhammad Mansha Yaha is the captain of this splendid ship having around 30 companies on board. Mansha, who owns the Muslim Commercial Bank as well, is now setting up a billion rupee ( 17 m) paper sack project too. He is one of the richest Pakistanis around. Nishat Group was countrys 15th richest family in 1970, 6th in 1990 and Number 1 in 1997. Mansha is on the board of nearly 50 companies. Chinioti by clan, Mansha is married to Yousaf Saigols daughter. He is deemed to have made investments in many bourses, currency and metal exchanges both within and outside Pakistan. He has had his share of luck on many occasions in life and has recently been awarded Pakistans highest civil award by President Musharraf. He could have bought the United Bank too, but then who doesnt have adversaries. Nishat Group comprises of textiles, cement, leasing, insurance and management companies. If Mansha was bitten by Bhuttos nationalization stint of 1970, his friends think he was compensated by Nawaz Sharifs denationalization programme to a very good effect. There is no stopping Mansha and he is still on the move 2. The Jang Group This huge media empire was founded by late Mir Khalil-ur-Rehman some six decades ago. Today, around 10 top newspapers and the multi-billion rupee GEO TV project are being run by Mir Shakeel-ur-Rehman, Mir Khalils brainy son, who has a lot of projects pertaining to real estate under his belt too. Though he can be very modest, Shakeel is known to have taken countrys Prime Ministers head-on. His tussle with Nawaz Sharif in 1999 spoke volumes of his unmatched influence in all domestic and international quarters which matter Shakeel is one of Asias most well known media barons, whose newspapers have served to be the breeding nurseries for countrys top journalists. He invests massively in stocks business regularly. His elder brother Mir Javed ur Rehman and tender son Mir Ibrahim also assist him in business. Such magnificent has been his influence that at times, a few governments have opted to take a few of his employees as ministers. The Group, as most politicians agree, has been instrumental in both toppling and building governments in Pakistan for decades now. Limelight is the product that he sells but doesnt like tasting the fruits of his own garden. 3. The Hashoo Group Led by the vintage Saddaruddin Haswani, the Hashoo Group is more known for its dominance in Pakistans hotel industry, though the people who know a bit more about the Hashwanis are of their strength in real estate business too. Hashwanis are involved in trading of cotton grain and steel and till the nationalization of cotton export in 1974, they were widely being dubbed as the Cotton Kings of Pakistan. Today, this group has excelled in export of rice, wheat, cotton and barley. It owns textile units, besides having invested billions in mines, minerals. hotels, insurance, batteries, tobacco, residential properties, construction, engineering and information technology. In 1984, Hashwani defeated the Lakhanis in the bid for Premier Tobacco but was arrested along with his brother Akbar in 1986 for allegedly evading customs duty on cigarettes. Sadarduddins brother Akbar and the children of another late brother Hassan Ali Hashwani together manage around 45 companies. Akbar runs the second Hashwani Group. He is one of the most well-known magnates in Pakistan who is a regular invitee at the Diplomatic Enclave. The list of local and international bigwigs known personally to Hashwani is unending. 4. The Packages Group The seed of this huge empire was sown by Syed Maratib All, a renowned supplier for British Army and the Indian Railways before partition. The group launched a joint venture with Lever Brothers soon after 1947, but massive production of Pakistan Tobacco Company later reportedly made Syed Maratib All and sons install a packaging Unit by the names of Packages. Two of Maratibs sons-Syed Amjad Ali and Syed Babar Ali have remained Pakistans finance Ministers and two of his well-known grand-children-Syeda Abida Hussain and Syed Fakhar Imam-are political stalwarts who need no recognition. Late Syed Amjad Ali was Pakistans first Ambassador to the United Nations, while Syed Babar Ali is the force behind the establishment of the LUMS. The group owns Nestle Pakistan too which is being run by Syed Yawar Ali. Syed Babar Ali has also served as Chairman National Fertilizer Corporation during the Bhutto regime too and has been the Chairman of Hoeist Pakistan, Lever Brothers and Siemen. The group also acquired a good number of Coca Cola plants in Pakistan. Its famous brands include Nestle Milk Pak, Treet, Mitchells and Tri Pack Films. It has stakes in the textile, dairy, agriculture and rice Sectors too. The groups Contributions towards the cause of an independent Pakistan are unprecedented. 5. The House of Habib Legend has it that the Goddess of Wealth has been in love with the seasoned Habibs more than anybody else in Pakistan. Most pundits believe that Habibs own at least 100 companies throughout the world, but these content mega-tycoons never boast off, something which has made it uphill for most to predict about their financial standing. This industrial group was founded by Seth Habib Mitha, born in 1878 to Esmail Ali-a factory owner in Bombay. The financial strength of the Habibs can be gauged from the fact that Muhammad Ali Habib gave a cheque of Rs 80 million to Quaid-e-Azam in 1948 at a time when Pakistan government was penniless owing to delay in transfer of Pakistans share of Rs. 750 million by the Reserve Bank of India. They had offices in Europe in 1912. They incorporated the Habib Bank in 1941. They own the Habib Bank A. G Zurich, Bank Al-Habib, Indus Motors assembling Corolla cars and many dozens of units in sectors such as jute, paper sack, minerals, steel, tiles, synthetics sugar, glass, construction, concrete, farm autos, banking, oil, computers, music, paper, packages, leasing and capital management. Habibs today are headed by Rafiq Habib and Rashid Habib in two distinct groups. What makes them extremely influential players of all times is the fact that for dozens of top businessmen today, Habib were a myth once. Saigols originally hail from Jehlum. The pioneer of the Saigol dynasty in 1890 was Amin Saigol who established a shoe shop that eventually transformed into Kohinoor Rubber Works. And then times saw them shining literally like the Kohinoor until their progress was by Nationalization in which they lost two-thirds of their wealth. Saigols got trifurcated in 1976 and 15 descendents of Amin Saigols tour sons got a share. The name of the Saigols has been used in this part of the world as similes describing quantum of wealth. Yousaf Saigol, along with his brothers Sayeed Saigol, Bashir Saigol and Gul Saigol then nourished an excellent crop. In 1948, Saigols established the Kohinoor Textile Mills with a cost of Rs 8 million and this group happens to be the first to open an LC with the State Bank of Pakistan. They bought the United Bank in 1959 and then witnessed five of their units getting nationalized. They lived in Saudi Arabia during the Bhutto regime. Today, cousins Tariq and Nasim are holding the familys fort together and have risen to unprecedented heights in individual capacities. NAB did haunt Nasim but Tariq spent more lime either accepting or refusing prized slots everywhere. Tariq is the one of the finest business brains around. 7. Nawa-E-Waqt Group The Nizamis may not be Rockefellers or the Sheikh Muhammad, but arc the custodians of a highly influential media empire. Since media is now beginning to be classified as very serious business, clout of this groups head Majid Nizami and that of his nephew Arif Nizami in nearly every sphere or the Pakistani society is being widely acknowledged. The impact this group has managed create on Pakistans political scenario since 1947 is unprecedented too. The group runs two esteemed dailies-the Nawa-i-Waqt (Urdu) and The Nation (English). Besides publishing a few other monthlies and weeklies, they too are serious customers for an electronic media channel. Hailing from Sangla Hill, a youth Hameed Nizami (late) went out taking a paper that was badly needed by the Muslims of India during the Pakistan Movement. Hameed was a renowned student leader in the sub-continent who only gained proximity with the Quaid-c-Azam because of his distinct and selfless for an independent Pakistan. Though Hameed died very young in 1962, he gave Majid Nizami a rich legacy to take care of. The youngest Nizami, Khalil, died some years ago and was also part of this illustrious group. Out of Hameed Nizamis three sons-Shoaib, Arif and Tahir, only Arif has followed in his fathers footsteps and is the sitting President 0f All Pakistan Newspaper Society (APNS). Nizamis are a 60-year old entity too. 8. The Saif Group Is owned and operated by the sons of famous NWFP lady politician Begum Kalsum Saifullah. Her eldest son Javid Saifullah heads Ibis very powerful business group. Javid obtained his Master degree in Business Administration from the University of Pittsburgh, USA in 1973, followed by diversified experience of over 30 years in textiles, telecommunication, cement and Information Technology. He also remained the Chairman of All Pakistan Textile Mills Association (APTMA) for two years and NWFP for seven years. He has also been the member Task Force IT amp Telecommunication Advisory Board, Ministry of Science and Technology, Member of Task Force (Liberalization amp Privatization of Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited), Ministry of Science amp Technology)Javed Saifullah Khan is looking after the group businesses for the past 20 years. Saifullahs are in power always, in one form or the other. Javaids brothers Anwar Saifullah, Khan (Former Federal Minister), Salim Saifullah Khan king-maker in NWFP polities) and Osman Saifullah (another APTMAamp wizard) have very close family ties with a lot of key politicians in the country, besides being related directly or indirectly through marriages to the families of a few leading and famous Army Generals who ruled Pakistan. 9. The Crescent Group The history of this group dates back to 1910 when Shams Din of Chiniot and his four sons came into business with a tannery at Amritsar. This family was allotted 125 acres in Faisalabad in lieu of their left-over property in India. These brothers Muhammad Antis, Muhammad Bashir, Fazal Karim and Muhammad Shafi-then ruse up to become countrys largest textile exporters. They had initially set up the Mohammad Amin-Muhammad Bashir Limited for export of cotton and import of various products. Having more than two dozen concerns in its fold, Crescent is majestic force to reckon with. This empire serves as the best example of cohesion among cousins, uncles and nephews. Altaf Saleem of this group has enjoyed the slot of Chairman Privatisation Commission during the Musharraf regime, but has not been accused of any bungling during despite having served on a Prized slot. The group today owns numerous textile, steel, sugar, modaraba, food, leasing, knitwear, software, power, chemical, banking and investment units. They are one of the richest people in the country for the last 40 odd years. This Chinioti Sheikh family has lived up with quite a wonderful reputation, bearing an excellent record with its creditors throughout its bu. siness history. Men running Crescent do not have to make contacts, for the privilege comes to them naturally. 10. The Monnoo Group The Monnoo dynasty was founded by two brothers-Dust Muhammad and Nazir Hussain in 1905 at Calcutta. The first unit owned by the Monnoos was the Olympia Rubber Works. And then time saw the Monnoos setting up sonic 20 textile mills in succession. Former President Shahzada Alam Monnoo is the man behind the strength of this group-known more for its achievements in the textile sector. Munnoos have been a symbol of wealth during the last 65 years or so. Shahzadas brothers. Jahengir and Kaiser are assisting him in business, while silting APTMA Central Chairman Waqar Monnoo also hails from this magnificent group. In East Pakistan, Monnoos had also left a few power, feed, textile and agriculture-related units some nine in all. Their elder Munir Monnoo, after leaving East Pakistan, had set up looms at Faisalabad. Shahzada Alum Monnoo, perhaps the well-dressed man in the country along with Saddar-ud-Din Hashwani, is no alien for any ruler. The Monnoos are Chiniotis too. Shahzada Alum Monnoo, after some break, is again active in the politics of Lahore Chamber while Jahengir Monnoo is siding with Waqar Monnoo in latters vicious battle of ego with Messrs Tariq Saigol and Mian Mansha. They star in business politics of and on, but seem to have Inst the taste of ii somehow. Perhaps had enough of salutes 11. The Dewan Group Dewan Yousaf Farooqui. The mentor of this group has been the Sindh Minister for Local Bodies. Industries, Labour, Transport, Mines amp Minerals. Holding of so many portfolios by a single man bears ample testimony to the fact that the Dewans keep a leg sticking in polities too. The Dewan Mushtaq Group is one of the Pakistans largest industrial conglomerates in sectors like polyester acrylic fiber, manufacturing and automotives. Six of their companies are listed at the Karachi amp stock Exchange and one at the Luxembourg bourse. Dewan Farooqui Motors assembles around 10,000 cars annually under technical license agreement with Hyundai and Kia Motors of Korea The Dewan Salman Fiber is the pride of this empire as it ranks 11th in the world in total production capacity. The group owns three textile units, a motorcycle manufacturing concern and the largest sugar unit in the country. Dewans also have business interests in India. They possess dozens of millions of shares of Saudi Cement and Pak land Cement. They finance some 40 medical dispensaries and over a dozen schools, apart from funding roadsdrinking water and Bio-energy infrastructures. Dewans arc on their way building a 1O million SME Resources with IFC investment of 3 million. The Dewans enjoy massive influence in the engineering sector. 12. The Lakson Group The Lakhanis are currently having a hard time at the hands of NAB. Sultan Lakhani and his three brothers run this prestigious group and the chain of McDonalds restaurants in Pakistan. NAB has alleged the Lakhanis of having created phoney companies through worthless directors and raised massive loans from various banks and financial institutions. Sultan is currently abroad after having served a jail term with younger sibling Amin, though the latter was released much earlier. NAB had reportedly demanded Rs 7 billion from Lakhanis, but later agreed they pay only Rs 1.5 billion over a 10-year period. Lakhanis, like their arch-rivals Hashwanis, are the most well-known of all Ismaeli tycoons. Their stakes range from media, tobacco, paper, chemicals and surgical equipment to cotton, packaging, insurance, detergents and other house-hold items, many of which are joint ventures with leading international conglomerates. Though Lakhanis are in turbulent waters currently, the success that greeted them during the last 25 years especially has been tremendous. They have rifts with large business empires despite being known fur their genteel nature. Whether it is any government in Sindh or at the Federal level, Lakhanis have had trusted friends everywhere, though the present era has proved a painful exception. 13. The Sapphire Group Headed by a veteran industrialist Mian Abdullah, this splendid empire owns 11 yarn spinning plants (producing 60,000 tonnes of yarn annually), 3 woven plants of greige fabric ( producing 50 million metres annually), one yarn dyeing plant (capacity 5 tonnes per day), one knitting unit (10 tonnes per day), one knitted fabric dyeing plant (10 tonnes per day), one woven fabric dyeing and finishing plant ( 1.2 million metres per month) and three power plants having the capability to produce 40 MW of energy. Sapphire forms synergies with off-shore garments companies. The group markets its products in biggest brand names in Asia, Europe, Australia and North America. Sapphire started with one spinning mill in 1969 and employs over 10,000 people and has an annual turnover of 219 million. Mian Abdullahs repute can be gauged from the fact during the October 2003 minis at APTMA, more than 1000 textile millers bad tendered their resignations against incumbent Chief Waqar Monnoo to him. Dozens of leading tycoons had proposed his name to head APTMA in case of an interim setup. Having an influence among textile millers is no easy job but Mian Abdullah stands privileged in this context He is often seen part of the entourages of key business leaders to foreign countries and provides input to fellow colleagues whenever requested. 14. The Dawood Group Was ranked Pakistans biggest group in 1970, 3rd in 1990 and 15th in 1997 like all. Nationalization and the East Pakistan tragedy trampled all over the Dawoods too. Today, the original Dawood Group stands split in three factions. The owners of this empire refrained from opening any unit for a good part of some 20 odd years. This group was founded by Ahmed Dawood, but later the dynasty found itself divided among the three Dawood brothers-Ahmad Sadiq and Suleman, The key players in this group led lives in exile during the Bhutto regime. Former Federal Minister fur Commerce and Trade Razzak Dawood, the son of the late Suleman Dawned runs the Descon Engineering and a few other units dealing in manufacturing refrigerators and other consumer products. Hussain Dawuod, sun of Ahmed Dawood, has already rendered meritorious philanthropic services in the field of education by supporting brilliant and needy students. Hussain runs Dawood Hercules, some modaraba companies and a few textile units. The Sadiq Dawned Group owns a few leasing, modaraba and insurance concerns too, apart from the Dawood Yamaha. Sadiq Dawoods decision to become an MNA in 1951 and Treasurer Pakistan Muslim League during Ayubs rule certainly benefited the Dawoods. 15. The Best Way Group Sir Anwar Pervaiz is the Chairman of Bestway Group which started off as a specialist Asian food store in West London in 1962. More retail units followed and by the early l970s the group had opened ten general food stores. He may easily be dubbed the richest Pakistani. The Bestway Group moved into the wholesale business in 1976 when its first Bestway cash and carry warehouse was established in London. Rapid expansion in wholesaling followed during the 1980s and 1990s, and to date, the Bestway Group comprises of about 30. The Bestway Group moved into the cement business in 1995 when it decided to set up cement manufacturing plant in Pakistan at a cost of 120 million. In 2002, the Bestway Group acquired a 25.5 stake in United Bank Limited. Today, the Bestway Group has a diversified portfolio, with interests in cash amp carry wholesale, property investments, retail outlets, milling of rice, lentils and pulses, cement production and more recently into banking. The groups total sales amounted to in excess of 163 1 billion for the year ended 30th June 2002. The group provides direct employment to over 2300 people. 16. The Haroon Family Headed by Yusuf Haroon, 9l, the former Sindh Chief Minister and Governor West Pakistan, this family owns The Herald Group of publications which includes the Daily Dawn, Monthly Herald, Aurora and Spider magazines. When he rose to Karachis Mayorship, Yousaf was the youngest Mayor in sub-continents history. This prominent scion of the Memon clan had remained a strong believer that General Zia-ul-Haq bad launched systematic discrimination against the Karachi businessmen that made the Memons fly outside Pakistan with their money. Yosafs younger brother Mabmood A. Haroon has also remained Sindhs Governor, besides having served as ADC to Quaid-Azam at the age of 17. The Haroons wealthiest in the country once, are prominent media barons of today who enjoy unmatched influence in countrys political and business arena. Sir Abdullah Haroon, father of Yousaf and Mahmood, bad died in 1942, but sot before he had devoted his residence for the cause of Pakistan. Handling both business and politics at the same time never seemed tough job for the disciplined sons of Sir Abdullah Haroon. Yousaf Haroon also served a countrys High Commissioner to Australia. The great grandfathers of the Haroons had migrated to Karachi some 150 years ago where they made fortunes in clothing and sugar trades. 17. The Yunus Brothers The Chairman of this group is Abdul Razzak Tabba. This group owns one of the largest warehouses (textile products) in Pakistan. The concerns falling under the ambit of the Younus Brothers are Fazal Textiles, Gadoon Textiles, Lucky Cement, Lucky Energy, Lucky Power-Tech, Lucky Textiles, Younus Textiles, Security Electric Power Company and Younus Brothers etc. Razzak Tabba is an active player in the politics of the prestigious All Pakistan Textile Mills Association (APTMA) too, apart from assuming a king-makers role in the political arena of the FPCCI. Tabba came to more limelight last year when he hosted very heavily attended dinners in honour of the textile magnates from all across the country, while siding with Messrs Tariq Saigol and Mian Mansha in their battle against the APTMA Chief Waqar Monnno. He is quite a philanthropist too and has initiated various welfare projects for his Memon community in Karachi and Sindh. He frequently stars in the community welfare programmes held under the auspices of the Asia Tabba Foundation, World Memon Foundation and the Kathiawar Cooperative Housing society etc Tabba is a man who likes to keep away from camera and despite all his influence and riches-something which has made him earn tots of respect. 18. Gul AhmadAl-Karam Group Gut Ahmad is one of the most vibrant Memon business houses in the country that was founded by Haji Mohammad Pakolawala, but is now split between Gul Ahmad and Al-Karam Group of Industries. While Gul Ahmad is headed by Bashir Al Muhammad, the Al-Karam faction is controlled by Umar Haji Karim. In 1953, Gul Ahmad was incorporated as a private limited company with a capital of Rs eight million. Gul Ahmad is presently a composite unit with an installed capacity of 88,000 spindles, 108 air-jet looms and 297 conventional looms. The group has been a pioneer in the field of power generation as well. Gul Ahmads directors have held top positions in various textile bodies, export committees, besides having assisted government of Pakistan in few major talks with EU and US. The group is set to launch the Excel Insurance Company shortly as required licensesdocumentation stands done. Al-Karam, on (be other hand, is one of the largest textile concerns in Pakistan producing superior quality yarn, apart from having Amna Industries, Orient Textiles, Imran Crown Cork, Gul Agencies, Dabheji Salt Works and Pakistan Synthetics in its wallet. It owns a dairy-related establishment too by the name of Pakistan Dairy Products Limited. During Moeen Qureshis tenure, Alt Muhammad was appointed Vice Chairman of Export Promotion Bureau. 19. The Bawany Group Bawany dynasty was founded by two Bawany brothers, Ahmad Karim Ebrahim Bawany and Abdul Latif Ibrahim Bawany born in 1882 and 1890 respectively at Jetpur, Kathiawar, who had migrated to Burma towards end the end of 19th century and set up Ahmad Violin Hosiery Works in Rangoon. In 1947, they migrated to Pakistan. It was perhaps in memory of the Hosiery Mills at Rangoon that a company with the same name was incorporated in Karachi and is doing a flourishing business. The name Bawany has its origin in the name of an elder of the family, who was known for his honesty and hard work in home-town Jetpur. They were the first among the Memons to open a purchase office in Japan and nre currently active in textiles, jute, sugar, particle board, Oxygen, leather, garments, tanneries and cables Bawanis are known to have maite night investment decisions at the right time and their contemperaine still acknowledge them for his quality. Bawanis are known to have made right investments us the right time-something their contemporaries acknowledge. 20. The Servis Group Shahid Hussain is the Chairman of this massive foot-wear giant whicb now is neck-deep in textile business too. Shahid has replaced Ch Ahmad Saeed (sitting PIA Chairman (as the Servis boss. Both Chaudhary Ahmed Saeed and President General Musharraf happen to be old friends from their Forman Christian College days. Ch. Ahmad Saeeds younger brother Chaudhary Ahmed Multhtar is a well-known Pakistan Peoples Party leader who has been the Federal Commerce Minister of Pakistan during one of the two tenures of two-time ex-Premier Benazir Bhutto. Ch. Ahmad Saeeds son Arif Saeed is Chairman APTMA Punjab and is siding with his Central Chief Waqar Munnoo against a huge number of textile gurus. The Servis Group operates in sectors like shoes, tyres, cotton yarn, leather, syringes and retailing. The political constituency of these politicians-cum-businessmen also happens in be the feud-ridden Gujrat district of Punjab where Ahmed Mukhtar sometimes emerges triumphant against President Pakistan Muslim League Ch Shujaat Hussain, and at times loses the support of voters for a National Assembly seat. It is this proximity with various regimes that the Servis Group bus been rated so highly. And then, even if alleged for a white-collard crime, these Servis guys remain relatively comfortable-courtesy their clout as a political-cum-business family. 21. The Tata Family Do not confuse the Tatas in Pakistan with their name-sake market leaders in India. Having migrated from Nepal Mehboob Elahi started with a tannery in Bangladesh much before 1971 but his five Sons Mehboob lqbal Tata ( Chairman Jinnah Hospital Lahore). Riaz Tata (President FPCCI) Anwar Tata (Former Chairman APTMA), Khalid Tata and ljaz Tate together built 15 odd units, ably supported by the third generation scions like Shahid, Masud and Hasan Tata. Tatas are in textile spinning, weaving, denim, woven, knitwear, leather and energy business. Having annual turnover in excess of Rs 1.5 billion, this Chinioti family too traces its presence in business as early as 200 years from now. Bound in a cohesive bond, each of the Tatas heads a separate unit. The sitting Federation President Riaz Tata heads the Naveena Exports Division and despite having faced some tough times at the top slot in the apex body. Pakistans key business leader is holding his throne tightly, though there have been occasions when he (Riaz Tata) seriously thought in terms of vacating office due to business pre-occupation. But the mammoth number of colleagues and friends around him barred him from doing so. The vintage Tatas overall lead unassuming life styles. They love to remain in low key but prove their worth when times demand. 22. The Alam Group This establishment comprising three leather and two textile units is led by former President Karachi Chamber Shahzada Alam, elder brother of sitting Vice President FPCCI and Senior Vice chairman Pak-USA Business Council Arshad Alam. Messrs Leather Connections, a joint venture with a UK conglomerate, is one of those units managed by this group which happens to be Pakistans largest exporter of value-added leather products. While Leather Connections is looked after by Arshad Alams son Khurshid Alam, the textile arm of this group is supervised by Faraz Alam son of Shafiq Alam, the youngest Alam brother. The family has also made huge investments in real estate and stocks, within and outside Pakistan. While the younger creed looks after business, the elder Alams give time to their passion of playing ring leaders in the politics of the FPCCI and other business chambers. The group also runs an importexport entity by the name of Continental Traders, besides having recently set sails for investment in media too. Shahzada Alam gained more recognition when he went out airing strong resentment against the involvement of business institutions in countrys politics. The Alams are an eminent Chinioti family in business for the last 150 odd years, known more for dominance in leather sector. COMPASS is the name of the philanthropic school for retarded and disabled children which the Alams operate in Gulberg Lahore sans any external assistance. 23. The Guard Group The 87-year old Malik Shafi, decorated with Pakistans highest civil award, still looks after numerous business entities with complete vigour. Eldest of his four sons is the former LCCIFPCCI President lftikhar Malik who is also the sitting Chairman of Pak-US Business Council. The Guard Group deals in automotive parts, filters, brake fluids and other vital accessories of motor vehicles. The group has enjoyed monopoly in this business since 1959, when the government servant turned magnate Malik Shaft decided to enter business. Guard Rice, one of the largest exporters of this community around the world, is being run by Shafis youngest son Shahzad Matte who is also holding the slot of Lahore Chambers Vice President. The other two Maliks-Waqar and Shahbaz control the technical sides of their family business, apart from keeping an eye on this groups real estate amp agricultural land holdings. Maliks are an Arain Punjabi family that also runs a few free hospitals and dispensaries. Malik lftikhar however, is keener with his hobby to be in limelight all the time and is perhaps Pakistans most photographed tycoon. While people refrain from coming under camera when they grow in stature, Malik loves operating a Lahore-Islamabad shuttle service to sit next to anyone who is ruling. But then he delivers when needed 24. The Ejaz Group This establishment owns countrys largest knitwear-cum-dyeing facility at Lahore. More than half a dozen textile units of Ejaz Group are being run by yet another chinioti scion Mian Gohar Ejaz, son of late Senator Sheikh Ejaz. Gohar held the reins of this group very much during his college days when Sheikh Ejaz left for his heavenly abode after protracted illness that lasted months. Gohar is now a noted policy maker at both Federal and Provincial Textile Boards. He is one of the Boards of Governors at the Punjab institute of Cardiology Lahore. People started paying a heed to his leadership abilities in 1997, when he took on the APTMA grey-heads convincingly during the 1997 annual polls and narrowly lost to his opponent in fight for the top slot. Gohar then had led a rebellion comprising promising youth from renowned textile families. Against the hegemony of stalwarts including the likes of Messrs Tariq Saigol, Mansha and Jahengir Elahi etc. His younger brother Mian Faisal Ejaz is the son-in-law of Shahzada Alam Monnoo. He is yet another investor in mutual funds and real estate, though relies more on his obsession i. e. the textiles and his passion which is value-addition in this sector. The services Gohar has rendered for creating awareness with reference to value-addition are certainly quite meritrions. 25. The Tabani Family The Tabanis are also deemed as one of the biggest groups associated with manufacturing, trade, export and import business. They are one of the few Pakistani industrialists holding massive stakes in Central Asian Republics. They own Pakistans first private airline-Aero Asia. Yaqoob Tabani is this groups chairman. The fields of Tabanis businesses include counter trade and barter transactions, textiles, fashion garments, leather, tourism, automobiles, shipping, power generation, oil and gas, metals, chemicals, fertilizers, cigarettes, cement and medicines. Tabanis have wings stretched everywhere. You name a business field and Tabanis are there. But despite all the clout it enjoys at the top levels, the family opts to remain modest. Ashraf Tabani, an elder Tabani, has served Sindhs Governor, Provincial Minister of Finance, Industries, Excise and Taxation between 1981 and 1984. He was appointed Honorary Administrator of the FPCCI during the 1971-1973 periods soon after Bhuttos Nationalization. Ashraf Tabani has also served as Chairman Employers Federation Pakistan, President Silk and Rayon Mills Association and former Chairman of Industrial Development Bank of Pakistans Board of Directors. They are a leading Memon family, also engaged in funding various public welfare schemes. Though scandals can confront any industrial establishment of this size, Tabanis have been fairly lucky in evading them. 26. The Tapal Group Is headed by Aftab Tapal. The groups success in tea business has astounded many. The journey of Tapals remarkable success is the combined harvest of three generations of this family. In 1947, Tapal started out as a family concern under the supervision of Adam Ali Tapal. Faced with tough competition from very well known tea brands in the market, the Tapals dispelled the common impression that their capital base would soon be eroded. The company grew under Faizullah Tapal, whose son Aftab today brings a lot of innovation and marketing vision to make Tapal a household name. After having lived abroad, Aftab rushed hack home with flourishing ideas and introduced new concepts in the commodity that was first sold at Thomas Garways Coffee House in London in 1657. Equipped with latest state-of-the art blending and tea-mixing paraphernalia. Tapal is today Pakistan largest tea company as its consumption runs into millions of cups every month, according to an estimate by this companys marketing division. In December 1997, Tapal Tea became the first Pakistani of its kind to have attained the ISO-9001 certification. Tapals are also known to have stakes in power generation business. But their tea makes the Tapals known to all. The group claims nearly 1.4 million cups of tea in Pakistan are made of Tapal every hour. 27. The Atlas Group This group was founded by Yousaf Sherazi, a former Income Tax official and journalist in 1962 with a capital of Rs 03 million only. The first company set by the Atlas Group was Sherazi Investments (Pvt) Limited and since then, there is no looking back. The East Pakistan tragedy, however, nearly crippled Sherazi but he never lost hope and went out forming numerous joint ventures with leading Japanese concerns like Honda. Atlas-Honda today is a name to reckon with in countrys engineering sector and associated with this just one name are hundreds of vendors. He holds stakes in insurance, financial services, information technology, leasing, warehouses, office equipment, motor cars and motorcycle-assembling units, besides running a renowned firm that manufactures batteries. Sherazi owns the Atlas Investment Bank too. The Federal Budget 2004-05 is perhaps the only budget in countrys history that has hit the very influential car manufacturers on the head, otherwise people like Yousaf Sherazi have always managed to dictate terms where it matters. The Atlas Group owns no less than seven companies quoted on the stock exchanges of Pakistan. The groups assets are believed to have touched the Rs 15 billion mark and so have the sales. 28. The Abid Group Is run by Sheikh Abid Hussain alias Seth Abid. He is one of the most resourceful developersbuilders in the country owning vast stretches of land in major cities. On this land worth many billion of rupees, Seth has constructed residential schemes under the brand name of Green Fort. Seth came into this business after decades of notoriety as being one of the spearheads in cross-border smuggling. While many remember Seth for his allegedly illegal trading stints, a lot of informed circles still say with conviction that he, along with Dr. Qadeer and former Premier Bhutto, was the brain behind the success of Pakistans nuclear programme. About three dozen of Seths very close relatives, friends and nephews are members of countrys bourses and for many years now, the Seth Abid group assumes the role of king-makers during the annual polls of these stock exchanges. He is a leading investor in stocks, metals and currency but what gives him immense pleasure is his philanthropic institution Hamza Foundation that he sponsors for the welfare of deaf and dumb children. Pakistan has not had a single ruler, politician, bureaucrat or Army General who doesnt know the Seth who is more of a myth for most. The Seth, throughout his life, has avoided publicity-a fact known to most journalists. 29. The Sheikhani Family They are one of the most reputed land developers in the country. The Sheikhani, although not a very big industrial establishment by any means, are led by Abu Bakar Sheikhani. The Sheikhanis are famous for their construction and land development-related errands. Abu Bakar is deemed to be one of the largest investors in real estate trade at Gwadar Port. He has all the right connections that are required to be in such business. Despite being well known to the national political circles, the man in street knew more of him during MarchApril 1991 when he surfaced as the single largest contributor to then Premier Nawaz Sharifs Debt Retirement Fund with a donation of Rs 450 million. Today, his adversaries dub him a land mafia man, alleging him for selling his Gwadar land at only 4000 per acre only to senior Army officials while the same was being sold at 2,50,000 per acre to ordinary investors. But that is the way Sheikhani runs his vast landconstruction empire. Accusations dont disturb Sheikhani, who according to many large developers is a man who has managed to create tremendous impression in land business. The rumours of his landing in any Pakistani City for land acquisition purposes, helps the price of real estate surge unprecedently overnight. 30. The Dadabhoy Group Abdul Ghani Dadabhoy was the founder of Dadabhoy group, starting in trade and branching off into the construction business. The group has a big share of cement market in Southern Pakistan. Memons by clan, Dadabhoys are closely related to the Bawanies. Abdul Ghani Dadabhoy had five sons and two daughters, namely Noor Mohammad Dadabhoy, Mohammad Farooq Dadabhoy, Mohammad Hussain Dadabhoy, Abdullah Hussain Dada Bhoy and Ghulam Mohammad Dadabhoy. Daughters are Mrs Mehrunisa Jaffer and Mrs Zaibunisa Tanveer. This Group has massive investments in cement, energy, construction, leasing, polyester, banking and insurance etc. Dadabhoys are seasoned campaigners and perhaps do not like being brought into any sort of reckoning like the Habibs. Despite being a formidable business entity, this family is deemed to be extremely reluctant throughout its history, when it comes to flashing headlines, but mind you these unassuming Dadabhoys are still news-worthy. Any good day, you might hear them doing something new. Stock pundits know a lot more about their past stints at the countrys bourses. 31. The Bahria Town (Pvt) Limited Malik Riaz Hussain heads the massive project which is currently developing state-of-the-art schemes in Lahore and RawalpindiIslamabad. Though Malik Riaz may not be having a very renowned name in business circles, fact has it that the value of his land-holdings both within amp outside Pakistan amounts dozens of billions of rupees. Emerging out of the blue, this developer has reportedly developed tremendous connections where it matters in Pakistan-One of the few reasons why his constructed projects get completed in time without hindrance. Whether he has gifted bungalows free of cost of countrys bigwigs or offered them at highly concessional rates, the reality on the ground is that Malik has managed to mesmerize most through his generous wallet. Possessing no convincing financial background, Malik Riaz is known to have been benefited immensely-courtesy patronage of former Pakistan Navy chief admiral retired Mansoor ul Haq. Others say both Malik and the admiral had stuck a 200,000 deal but the man behind the Bahria Town is least moved and irrespective of who is in power he continues to build house after house-swelling his wealth. And then he is happy being a sponsor for many-welfare parties held under patronage of the ruling elite. 32. Adamjee Group The seed of the formidable Adamjee Empire was sown by Haji DAwood in 1896 by establishing a commodity trading company. His son Sir Adeamjee, Haji Dawood went out building a match factory, second largest of its kind then, in 1923 at Rangoon (Burma). By 1947 Adamjee Group wan the biggest exporter of jute from Calcutta. During Bhuttos nationalization, they lost the Muslim Commercial Bank amp stakes in the Mohammadi Steamship Company, leaving then with only Adamjee sugar Mills and Adamjee Cotton Mills, Karachi. Toda, they own the KSB pumps, besides having poured money in paper flooring, diesel engineering, construction centre, garments, general trading, insurance and chemicals etc. one of the biggest names in 1970s, the Adamjee some-how failed to keep hold on Pakistans largest insurance companies. The Adamjee Insurance Company is one of them, which still has around 70 of countrys total insurance business amp is the most internationally reputed and accepted Pakistani company of its kind. 33. Jahangir Siddiquiamp Co This firm has floated ABAMCO which is perhaps the largest mutual fund in Pakistans capital market arena. The firm offers full financial services in the securities industry. ABAMCO is a joit venture among major Pakistani and foreign institutions including International Financial Corporation (IFC) headquartered in Washington. Muslim Commercial Bank, Saudi Pak Commercial Bank amp Messrs AMVESCAP, which is a British company created through the merger of the AIM Management Group with and into a subsidiary of INVESCO which is one of the largest asset managers on the globe having assets worth approximately 348 billion under its direct management. While the Munawwar Aslam Siddiqui is the Chairman of this apex capital market operator, Najam Ali sits in the Chairmans office of the Jahengir Siddiqui and company. The Pakistan Credit Rating Agency (PCRA) has awarded heartening long and short term ratings to this concern. ABAMCO was incorporated in 1995. ABAMCO is the first asset management company in the private sector in the country. MCB, with a deposit base in excess of Rs 182 billion amp operating with a network of 257 on-line branches too has played a major role in ABAMCOs success. 34. THE Din Group The group is headed by S. M.Muneer, former president of FPCCI and that of the Karachi Gymkhana. He is vice chairman of Muslim Commercial Bank too. Muneers din Group is engaged in textiles and leather business mainly, though this Chinoti family has also made massive investments in real estates and stock business too. Muneer has been active in few political tenures too, as the former two-time prime minister Benazir Bhutto had appointed him Minister of state along with Mian Habibullah, another Chinoti who has headed the FPCCI too. Though people still remember Habibullah as having served as Chairman Export Promotion Bureau during Benazir Bhuttos regime, they tend to forget that time had come when Muneer also shared EPBs Fairs and Exhibition Division with him. Muneers son SM. Tanveer is a key figure at APTMA Punjab Zone. He is a busy bee in business politics. Despite hectic life schedule, he still manages to take time out and play an active role at prime business bodies in one way or the other. muneer has a visible instinct to be district-a passion that has helped him rise to all heights. At Din Textiles, the entrepreneurs have strived to produce nearly 1000 shades by mixing dyed cotton. 35. The Adil Group Mian Adil Mehmood, who is married to Mian Manshas niece, is in textiles business mainly, but what has actually helped him climb the ladder of fame and respect, have been his untiring efforts to resolve the problems of bank defaulters under Governor State Bank of Pakistan, in collaboration with countrys Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) all of which has resulted in revival of sick induxtries. Both defaulters amp banks appear indebted to Adil as he has visibly save one party from a possible action amp other from spending millions of rupees on lenghthy litigation. Along with Mian Usman, Adil was appointed member Governor SBP, s Dispute Resolution Committee on Defaulted Loans in 2001 and since then he has been flying between Lahore amp Karachi to provide respite to some 700 defaulters meaning thereby that he has been catalyst in helping banks recover billions of rupees from their stuck up credits. Adil is also senior Vice Chairman APTMA Punjab zone. By vitue of the honorary slots he holds, this Chinoti magnate has been one of the most sought after businessman in the country of late, despite him chanting the merit slogan. Like most of his contemporaries, he too has excelled in philanthropic services. Free eye-treatment is what his charity specialises in. 36. Chenab Group Mian Muhammad Latif supervises this group along with his brother Mian Ashfaque - a legislator in the National Assembly of Pakistan. Founded in 1975, Chenab Limited set up its first fashion outlet Chen One. Chen One has seven outlets throughout Pakistan. After establishing its retail chain stores in various cities of Saudi Arabia, the group is now planning to establish its new retail chains in Bahrain, UA. E, Qatar, Kuwait and Central Asian Republics. While Chenab Group is an eight-time Export Trophy winner, its Chief Mian Latif has won the Businessman of the Year award on four different occasions from various business bodies. Chenab is principally engaged in manufacture and distribution of clothing, furniture goods, including non-iron suit, quilt cover and curtains etc. Chenab processes 50 million square metres fabric weaving and 75 million square metres fabric dyeing every year and has established a global sales network spanning across five continents. Chenab is licensed to the Swedish Texcote Technology in the manufacturing and sale of textile materials, garments and textile house-hold goods. In August 2003, the Chenab Group signed a Rs 900 million loan facility with the National Bank of Pakistan. The groups textile products have been awarded the Oekotex 100 accreditation. 37. Sitara Group Started its activity with textile weaving as early as 1956, under brothers Haji Abdul Ghafoor and Haji Bashir Ahmed. It is now its textile cloth finishing and processing, textile spinning, chlor-alkali sector and in power generation. The units owned by this establishment include Sitara Chemicals, Sitara Chemicals (Textile Division 1) and Sitara Chemicals (Textile Division 11), Sitara Textiles, Sitara Energy and Yasir Spinning. The charities being managed under the aegis of Sitara group are Aziz Fatima Hospital, Ghafoor Bashir Children Hospital and Aziz Fatima Girls School. Sitaras name with the industrial City of Faisalabad is synonymous. They are the decades-old veterans in business, who have excelled in leaps and bounds. At their units, the owners of Sitara use technology imported from Japan, UK and Germany and are export leaders in bedding and fabric collection to South America, USA, Canada, New Zealand and Europe. Their textile divisions together operate at strength of 33,984 spindles. The Sitara (group, to a common man, is more famous for its lawn brands like Sitara Sapna and Mughal-e-Azam. The men at helm of affairs in Sitara hardly believe in setting up dozens of units, of which they are otherwise very much capable of. 38. The Colony Group Mian Muhammad lsmaeel Sheikh, who laid the foundation stone of this group, set up his first factory in 1898, first flour mill in 1908, taking Colony Groups total tally to 14 ginning factories and 4 flour mills by 1947. The group suffered heavily during Zulfiqar Bhuttos nationalization and it was left only with a few textile mills, flour mills and ginning factories. Though Sheikh Ismaeels heirs could not manage to take Colonys name to the top, they have had an excellent time. But despite their share of hard luck, Colony Groups owners that still run some jute, textile and financial companies. Colony Textile Mills was the first unit of its kind to go into operation in independent Pakistan. Ismaeel Sheikhs sons Aziz, Naseer, Farooq and Mughis have also been active in politics. They once owned equities in newspaper and a few of them even went out contesting elections in 1970. These Colony people, many thought, could have scaled far more greater heights, because the kind of start they had in business falls in the lap of very lucky people only. 39. Arif Habib Securities This company is owned by Chairman Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) Arif Habib. It is one of the largest brokerage operations on the bourse. One of its subsidiaries-Arif Habib Investment Management Limited-specialises in mutual funds. By 2001, this concern was listed on all the three stock exchanges. Since its inception, Arif Habib Securities has been one of the best-performing and most profitable brokerage houses in the country, helping its net profit jump to Rs 751.9 million by almost 200. At the same time, the overall capital base of this firm had almost doubled to Rs 1415.1 million till 2003. Recently, Arif went out slating the imposition of 0.1 per cent Capital Value Tax on turnover and managed to get it slashed through negotiations with the government. Operating with numerous high-worth clients, Arif Habib has won it all through the reputation and connections he has managed to build since 1989. Arifs success is also attributed to the generous per centage of cash dividend and fx issues that he believes in announcing regularly. The companys assets had surged from Rs 73.54 million in 1997-98 to Rs 2178.95 million by 2002-03, while earning per share had soared from 3.72 to 12532 during the same corresponding period. Kassim Dada, hails from a 19th Century Memon business family known to have possessed the vision of international trade when most of their contemporaries were rather nave on this count. This family had offices in Burma, South Africa and countries of the Far-East long before 1940. Dadas, have held decisive positions at the Karachi Stock Exchange and own shares of various Pakistani and foreign monopolies without creating any hype. Kassim Dadas family is known to have held major local equity in multinationals like Glaxo SmithKline, Brook Bond and Berger Paints, besides being the sponsoring directors of Messrs Hyderabad Electronics, Automotive Battery Limited and Interfund Bank etc. Kassim Dada is one of the few Pakistani Tycoons who used to fly on private planes from Karachi to his cement plants in Hyderabad. It was this family which had hired Mahatama Gandhi as a solicitor in 1890 to contest a business case in South Africa. Dada, was once a symbol of wealth. H amp H Exchange Co. (Pvt) Ltd. Head Office Address: Suite G-17, Ground Floor, Saima Trade Tower, Dr. Ziauddin Ahmed Road Karachi, Sindh 74000 Telephone: UAN. 111 44 00 44 92.21.2212882-89 Fax: 92.21.2212890 Dollar East Exchange Company Head Office Address: 97-A Jail Road, Lahore, Punjab 74000 Telephone: 92-42-7555616 92-42-7598529 Fax: 92-42-7555615 Read more. 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Islamabad, Punjab 74400 Telephone: 92-51-111-554-554 Fax: 92-51-2274457 A TO Z MONEY CHANGER Head Office Address: 184,Paradise Shopping Centre, Saddar karachi, Sindh 74000 Telephone: (92 21) 5686968 (92-21) 5686650 A. R.K. EXCHANGE Head Office Address: 5-Amber Pride, Main Shahrah-e-Faisal karachi, Sindh 74000 Telephone: (92 21) 4529942 (92-21) 4549750 Fax: (92 21) 452994 AA EXCHANGE COMPANY (PVT) LTD Head Office Address: Office 1-2, Mezzanine Floor, Block 46, Madni Plaza, Jinnah Avenue, Blue Area, Islamabad islamabad, punjab Telephone: 92-51-2271700Forex trading in urdu by shahid memon hospital Forex trading in urdu by shahid memon hospital To find them just use the Google search for or something like that. He particularly favors palladium, platinum, rice, natural gas, hosptial silver over gold. Long for a binary i kemon with price action enfinium. 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Dear reader, please upgrade to the latest version of IE to have a better reading experience Home Latest PSL Popular Pakistan Todays Paper Opinion World Sport Business Magazines Culture Blogs Tech Multimedia Archive In Depth KARACHI, May 8: The Sindh Government Services, General Administration and Coordination Department on Thursday issued a notification terminating the services of as many as 93 officials belonging to different pay scales who were re-employed on a contract basis after their retirement. The notification has been issued in pursuance of the Sindh cabinets decision taken at a meeting held on April 29 recommending the termination of services of all officials re-employed after their retirement with immediate effect in lieu of one month salary. It was, however, decided that the existing contracts of the re-employed officials pertaining to Grade-11 and below would be allowed to complete one year. The strength of such employees is said to be 300. Following are the details of the officials of different grades whose services stand terminated with the issuance of the governments notification. BPS-22: Dr S. M. Qureshi, chairman, Inspection and Evaluation Committee, Education and Literacy Department Abdul Quadir Junejo, chairman, Sindhi Language Authority, Culture and Tourism Department. BPS-21: Shamsul Haque Memon, consultant, Coastal Development Authority, Planning and Development Department Buxial Khan Gudaro, consultant, law department Aftab Ahmad Qureshi, consultant, SGA CD Ms Umme Kulsoom, consultant, planning and development department Retired Maj-General Khalid Naeem, director-general, Disaster Management Authority Board of Revenue. BPS-20: Syed Ghulam Nabi Shah, secretary, law department Dr Baz Mohammad Junejo, additional secretary (technical), agriculture department Retired Brigadier Abdul Haque, project coordinator for Project, Coordination and Monitoring Unit Under Sindh Water Sector Improvement Project, Planning and Development Department. Mohammad Nawaz Memon, awaiting posting in SGA CD Amir Zada Kohati, director-general, Malir Development Authority Prof Anita Ghulam Ali, managing director, Sindh Education Foundation Dr Rahim Bux Bhatti, medical superintendent, Gambat Institute of Medical Sciences, Health Department. Mohammad Raza, chairman, chief ministers inspection enquiries and implementation team, Sindh adviser (water distribution cell), irrigation and power department Dr Mohammad Kalim Butt, medical superintendent, Civil Hospital Karachi, health department Syed Sarfraz Ali Shah, project director, Hyderabad Development Package, Local Government, Katchi Abadis and Spatial Development Department. Nazeer Ali Khoja, project director, Development Scheme Sindh Police, Home Department Mohammad Aslam Turk, professor, Govt Polytechnic College Hyderabad, Education Literacy Department, Ms Fakhrun Nisa, principal, Govt College for Women, Shahrah-i-Liaquat, Karachi Syed Hasan Shah Bukhari, member, Sindh Service Tribunal, Karachi. Retired Brigadier Tariq Ali Khan, director-general, Bureau of Supply and Prices, Agriculture Department Shafiqur Rehman Paracha, project director, Lyari Development Project, Karachi Abdul Hameed Akhund, consultant, SGA CD, Mohammad Yahya Waliullah, secretary, Planning Development Department. Retired Lt-Colonel Shahid Qureshi, DIGP T and T, CPO, Home Department, Karachi Hakim Dino Tunio, special secretary, Planning Development. BPS-19: Mohammad Siddique Vehro, Mohammad Saleh Jumani, Madad Ali Sindhi, Retired Colonle Muneer Ahmad, Syed Ansar Ali Zaidi, Aijaz Ahmed Mangi, Naseem Nighat Seema, S. M. Saeed Naqvi, Dur Mohammad Kamal, Ghulam Akbar Chachar, Jalauddin Chohan, Mrs Nighat Perveen, Mrs Aftab Ahsan Qureshi, Ali Dinao, retired Lt-Col Mohammad Usman, Jamaluddin Domki, Mrs Naseeba Hussain Solangi, Manzoor Ali Awan, Mrs Razia Subhan Qureshi, Eng Veer Kumar, Murli A. Gangaramani, Dhani Bux Memon, Mehtab Ahmed, Abdul Qadir Memon, Shamsuddin Sakhirani, retired Colonel M. A. Wahid Khan, Manzoor Ahmad Mughal, Dr Haji Rahoo and Dr Vishan Das. Besides services of nine officials of BPS-18, 18 employees of BPS-17, six belonging to BPS-16, two in BPS-7 and only one in BPS-2 have been terminated. Commenti 1029551DAWN-RM-1x1 (0) ha chiuso - DAWNVIDEO

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